Prof. Dr. Anton Stütz

40 years of experience in drug R&D and management (Novartis). Inventor of Lamisil®, leading scientist for Elidel®. Recipient of national and international awards.

Prof. Dr. Anton Stütz, former Executive Director Dermatology, spent 39 years in drug discovery and development with Novartis (former Sandoz), with managerial responsibilities for up to 100 employees.

He is the inventor of the antifungal block buster drug terbinafine (Lamisil®), the dermatological use of calcineurin inhibitors, e.g. tacrolimus (Protopic®), and the leading scientist for R&D of pimecrolimus (Elidel®).

He received the Erwin Schroedinger Preis by Austria´s Academy of Sciences in 2004, the Eugene J. Van Scott Award for Innovative Therapy of the Skin, and the Philipp Frost Leadership Lecture by the American Academy of Dermatology in 2011.